Read book Burying the Hatchet in South Carolina : Healing the Wounds of Revolutionary Civil War, 1775-1860 by Rebecca Brannon DOC, EPUB, TXT


The American Revolution was a vicious civil war fought between families and neighbors. Nowhere was this truer than in South Carolina. Yet, after the Revolution, South Carolina's victorious Patriots offered vanquished Loyalists a prompt and generous legal and social reintegration. From Revolution to Reunion investigates the way in which South Carolinians, Patriot and Loyalist, managed to reconcile their bitter differences and reunite to heal South Carolina and create a stable foundation for the new United States to become a political and economic leader. Rebecca Brannon considers rituals and emotions, as well as historical memory, to produce a complex and nuanced interpretation of the reconciliation process in post-Revolutionary South Carolina, detailing how Loyalists and Patriots worked together to heal their society. She frames the process in a larger historical context by comparing South Carolina's experience with that of other states. Brannon highlights how Loyalists apologized but also went out of their way to serve their neighbors and to make themselves useful, even vital, members of the new experiment in self-government and liberty ushered in by the Revolution. Loyalists built on existing social ties to establish themselves in the new Republic, and they did it successfully. By 1784 the state government reinstated almost all the Loyalists who had stayed, as the majority of Loyalists had reinscribed themselves into the postwar nation. Brannon argues that South Carolinians went on to manipulate the way they talked about Loyalism in public to guarantee that memories would not be allowed to disturb the peaceful reconciliation they had created. South Carolinians succeeded in creating a generous and lasting reconciliation between former enemies, but in the process they unfortunately downplayed the dangers of civil war--which may have made it easier for South Carolinians to choose another civil war.

Ebook Burying the Hatchet in South Carolina : Healing the Wounds of Revolutionary Civil War, 1775-1860 by Rebecca Brannon in EPUB, MOBI

His scrupulousness and sensitivity make for a small but valuable book." -Publishers Weekly "Fascinating and well written, this is highly recommended for academic and larger public libraries." -Library Journal "Richard Wunderli...A large and diverse set of nation-states have legislatively mandated "gender quotas" to ensure the presence of elected women representatives (EWRs) in various rungs of governance.This swiftly moving narrative of his rise and fall paints a vivid portrait of 15th-century German society as it raises important questions about the craft of history.""A gem of a book....After leading them down, the young man turned around.